Json Response
The response object is sent to the callback url and contains data relevant to the financial operation. It contains relevant information, extra parameters, a representation of the TransactionResult object returned from our native libraries and any error that occurred.
It is formatted in JSON and structured as a collection of "name":"value" pairs. Values are always a string except in the cases where the value is a boolean or another collection of "name":"value" pairs.
The response will be packed and added to your callbackUrl in the following format https://your_callback_url?data=<packed_response_data>
in a GET request.
is a JSON string that has been URL encoded to make it safe to use as a GET parameter.
Response sample
{ "metadata": {
"appVersion": "1.0.0",
"systemInfo": {
"osName": "Windows 7 Home edition",
"deviceName": "PP917838383832",
"internetConnectionType": [
"protocolVersion": "v1"
"transactionResult": {
"statusMessage": "AUTH CODE 12345",
"type": "SALE",
"finStatus": "AUTHORISED",
"requestedAmount": "1000",
"gratuityAmount": "000",
"gratuityPercentage": "0",
"totalAmount": "1000",
"currency": "USD",
"transactionID": "00021010001-10033331231",
"eftTransactionID": "778799887-77798987-798798878887888",
"originalEftTransactionID": "778799887-77798987-798798878887888",
"eftTimestamp": "1476113261",
"authorisationCode": "155884656588899",
"verificationMethod": "PIN",
"cardEntryType": "ICC",
"cardSchemeName": "VISA",
"errorMessage": "No error",
"customerReference": "0000000",
"budgetNumber": "0",
"recoveredTransaction": false,
"cardTypeId": "U015",
"merchantReceipt": "https://url_to_merchant_receipt",
"customerReceipt": "https://url_to_customer_receipt"
"deviceStatus": {
"serialNumber": "615856933558",
"batteryStatus": "100%",
"batterymV": "234",
"batteryCharging": "Charging",
"externalPower": "Connected",
"applicationName": "EFTClient",
"applicationVersion": "2.15.789"
"extraParameters" : {}
Metadata fields
Name | Type | Description |
appVersion | string | A string representation of the client version. |
systemInfo | object | An object containing info about the Express client |
protocolVersion | string | A string representation of the Express protocol version used in this request. |
SystemInfo fields
Name | Type | Description |
osName | string | A string containing the name and version of the OS the client is running in. |
deviceName | string | A string containing the Bluetooth name of the card reader. |
internetConnectionType | array | A list of the available internet connection methods. |